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Jesus says in Matthew 6:24 that one of the top competitors for our commitment to Him is money. Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. Also, 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


The word “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. Tithing, or giving ten percent of your income, isn’t merely giving something to God. It’s giving back what was His to begin with. All that we have, or hope to have, comes from Him. The Bible says that tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything. It teaches us to always put God first in our lives.


Offerings are anything you give beyond 10%. In Malachi 3:10 God says to try Him and see “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” Returning offerings is a chance for you to be generous. You can give to a specific project like Community Services, Homeless Ministry, Radio Ministry, TV Ministry, and more. You can also contribute to the Combined Budget, which is a multi-purpose fund. So go ahead, test and experience God’s generosity!

Testimony: “I never knew much about tithes, like what I know now in acts of obedience. I’m unemployed and struggle giving at times, I thought, but the Lord has shown His faithfulness and promise. How much the Lord has done, and is always doing, and how He is a Giver out of the love of His heart, and what He is, makes my heart understand giving. I started giving tithes and the Lord provided for me. One month we overpaid rent $50 bucks, the landlord said. He said he would take it off next month’s rent. Then he changed his mind and said, “I’ll just make your rent $50 less.” So our rent went down $50 a month. So what I thought was hard to do, or what I thought I couldn’t do, the Lord made very possible.” — N. E.

When giving, you can donate anonymously as a guest or set up a log-in account. If you set-up a log-in account we’ll ask for your contact information so we can provide your tax credit documentation at the end of the year. Simply fill out the required fields, choose a payment method, submit your amount, and you’re all set.

Our Services


Bible Study – 9:30am
Worship service – 10:45am
(Free child care: ages 2-9)

Bible study – 9:45am (Baskin Hall)
Worship service – 11am (Baskin Hall)

Worship service – 9-10am (Chinese room)

1314 N. Madison St.
Stockton, CA 95202

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