A while back I received a few thousand dollars back pay on my VA pension. I decided to use some of the money to finally buy another Harley Davidson and a few things for my mom.
I earmarked $3,500.00 for the motorcycle. My sister and my son were visiting from Fresno. My son found a 1200 Sportster on Craig’s list for $3,500. It was in Madera, not far from where my sister lives. I called the guy on the phone to see if he would hold it until that coming Monday. He told me he was sick and couldn’t show it until Tuesday. I gave my sister the money and she went home. He didn’t answer the phone until Tuesday and told her the bike had been sold. I was disappointed.
Then the motor went out on my sister’s SUV. She couldn’t afford to replace it. I called her and told her to use my money to replace her motor. She wouldn’t accept it at first. But I told her I’d been without a motorcycle for over twenty years and I could wait longer if necessary. I also told her if she didn’t use all the money, I could buy a cheaper motorcycle.
She found a good motor for $2,000 and sent me the balance. I still had a few hundred from the back pay. My son found a 1998 Triumph 1200 with low mileage for $1,850.00. A friend from church took my son and me to Campbell in his pickup to get the bike.
God knew my sister’s motor would need to be replaced. He put me in a position to be able to help my sister out. He then helped me get a good motorcycle at a price I could afford. God gave me two blessings. First, he let me help my sister. Second, he helped me get a motorcycle. God is good! — Bob