Prayer Group

Ever since I became a Christian, it was my desire to share Jesus’ love with people who don’t know God. But somehow life was too busy and I was selfish to keep the joy, the peace, the love, etc., that I have gotten from Jesus for myself. I praise God for sending our pastor to the Stockton Central Church to reminded me of my purpose of life in this world. Your sermons always focus on reaching out to people.
About four months ago, the Holy Spirit led me to create a prayer group. So I prayed about it and started with close family and friends. Now we are 21 members. Most of them go to church, but never had this kind of experience or are backsliders. It is amazing to see changes in people’s lives. I am really getting the blessing, just by hearing their testimonies about the prayer meetings.
This morning we had a prayer meeting and one of the members said, “This prayer thing has changed my life. I got a NO reply for my job interview. But, I have an inner peace. I think it is because I am closer to God now. Thank you.” And another member wrote me a while ago saying, “I want to thank you for encouraging me to read the Bible and join the prayer group. My life started to change since then. I read a daily devotional every day before I start work and I also pray. Thank you!”
This is just a couple examples. What can I say? May the Glory be to God!! I have learned that there are a lot of people out there who NEED our help. Thank you much pastor for motivating me to work for the Lord!